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Product List

1, fluid resistance is small, ball valve is the smallest of all types of fluid resistance, even if the ball valve, the fluid resistance is also very small.
2, thrust bearings to reduce the friction torque of the stem, can make the long-term operation of the valve stem smooth and flexible.
3, the valve seat sealing performance is good, the use of PTFE and other elastic materials made of the sealing ring, the structure is easy to seal, and the valve sealing ability with the increase of the medium pressure.
4, the valve stem seal is reliable, because the stem only for imitation rotation transported without movement, stem packing seal is not easy to damage, and sealing ability increased with the increase of the pressure medium.
5, due to the PTFE and other materials with good self - lubrication, and the ball friction loss is small, so the life of the ball valve is long.
6, downloading the stem and the stem head convex order to prevent the stem spray, such as stem seal damage caused by fire, convex order and the body can be formed between the metal contact, to ensure that the valve stem seals.
7, anti-static function: the ball, the stem, the valve body between the set of springs, the switch can be generated by the process of static.
Note: parameters are for reference only, or are not full. Valve can be used in accordance with the requirements of different pressure, material, diameter, drive, etc.. Specific please contact or online advisory contact.

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